Kid’s Challenge Day 10

It’s the end of Week 2, so it’s time for a simple challenge! It’s Wacky Hair Day
God even counts every hair on your head! So don’t be afraid. You are worth more than even the birds that God also created and loves.     Luke 12:7

Don’t be afraid.  Show me your most crazy, wacky hair and remember Luke 12:7 which tells us that God counts every hair on our heads.  Take a picture with your wacky hair (if your hair is too short, any type of hat will work) and post it with the hashtag #spencerkids

Bonus points are available for this challenge: one extra point for every additional person who is in your photo with wacky hair.


Kid’s Challenge Day 9

Day 9 Challenge
Jesus tells us to love our neighbor (and this doesn’t mean only the people who live next door).  During this time, while we cannot go to our neighbor’s house, we can still find other ways to show love. 

Think about people who are by themselves right now, including our Nursing Home or Homebound friends (they don’t have to be related to Spencer). Let’s show love to them in a special way today. Find materials in your house to make a card or create a picture that will brighten their day, then mail it to them. If you need an address, let me know and I will get it to you. Let’s love our neighbors today! To complete the challenge, post or send me a picture of your efforts with the hashtag #spencerkidslove.


Kids’ Challenge Day 8

Day 8 Challenge

Alright friends, I think some of you are beginning to get a bit stir-crazy being at home. I wonder if your rooms are a mess!  I hope not because you are going to need to find some things to complete today’s challenge. There is a list of items included in my post.  Find as many of them as you can around your house. Gather all the items into one place and take a picture of your treasure!  Post your picture with the hashtag #spencerkidstreasure

You will earn one point for each item that you check off the list!  As you go on your treasure hunt, remember that God’s love is a treasure, and God gives us this treasure so that we always remember that God is with us.

Treasure is kept in clay jars. In the same way, we have the treasure of God’s good news in these earthly bodies of ours. The awesome power of God belongs to God and doesn’t come from us.  We are experiencing all kinds of trouble, but we aren’t crushed. We are confused, but we aren’t depressed.  We are harassed, but we aren’t alone. God does not abandon us. We are knocked down, but we aren’t knocked out.

2 Corinthians 4:7-9



Kids Challenge Day 7

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 instructs us “Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens.”

To earn points for this challenge, create a piece of art that shows what you are grateful for today. You can use any materials that you have, but ask your parents to take a picture of you with your creation and post it with the hashtag #spencerkidsgrateful


Kids Challenge Day 6

Day 6 Challenge
Today your challenge is to create a tower taller than you out of any materials in your home or yard.  Be careful and have your parents take a picture of you standing near your creation.  Post it the with hashtag #spencerkidstower or text it to Kelly to earn today’s points.

“The name of the Lord is like a strong tower. Godly people run to it and are safe.”  Psalm 28:7


Kids Challenge Day 5

Today’s challenge is about worship.  Just because we are not meeting at church like we normally do, doesn’t mean that we are not worshipping God.  The last time we met for Children’s Choir, we talked about worship and watched a video about worship.  We learned that we can worship ANYWHERE!

Sunday, you can worship with us by watching the Facebook service or by listening to us on the radio.  Find a spot at home that you can use to worship God.  Think about some of the things that you can put in this spot to help you worship.  Make a list of your ideas and post it so we can help each other get ready to worship. Be creative.
Post with the hashtag #spencerkidsworship


We won’t have challenges over the weekend, but you can get BONUS POINTS by posting a picture of yourself watching/listening to worship on Sunday. Just use the same hashtag. #spencerkidsworship
